The New York %&#@ Times
I'm sure I'm not the only person who is perturbed at the Times' new pay-for-content site.
I used to troll their site several times a day, but now I can't get Frank Rich or Maureen Dowd without paying $49.95 a year. That just sucks.
I guess I've been spoiled.
where are you girl!
I need a fix!
I'm wondering how his birthday went... did she have a surprise planned for him? ~ E
Now that's just annoying.
To Rhythmo Productions -- I don't know who you are, but I'd appreciate if you would keep your grubby marketing paws out of my blog. I don't know who thought this would be a good idea. Anyone else out there have this crap show up in their comments? Cease and desist or I will report you to the blog police.
Leave Janey alone, SHE's NOT married. Don't crucify her for HIS infidelity.
To Anonymous #1: Ya doesn't have to read if ya doesn't like the subject. Maybe a playground with safer rides might be a better place for you, honey. You might get hurt on the jungle jim at this one.
To Anonymous #2: Isn't it interesting how, in this type of situation, everyone goes after the single, unattached woman and NOT the man who actually made the commitment? I think it reveals a lot about people's true attitudes and judgements about women and sex.
This is Erik Feder, author of "The Feder Guide..." which is mentioned at the top of this blog. I apologise for our initial post - our intern Jeanette was supposed to request permission from blog moderators BEFORE posting, but we had a communication breakdown and she just went ahead and posted without asking. Again, I apologise. She is no longer posting anywhere without getting permission first.
Thanks for your understanding,
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